The project concerns the development of the Passenger Locator Form (PLF), an electronic form that all travelers entering Greece must complete before entering the country. With this system, the Greek government could carry out the necessary diagnostic screening and keep everyone safe during the COVID-19 pandemic without jeopardizing Tourism, one of the country’s major industries. Specifically, Greece was the first country in Europe to develop such a system in 2020 and received tourists in the summer of 2020 without increasing the spread of the pandemic in the country.
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This project aims to electronically record and manage information about COVID19 cases and their close contacts. This electronic tracking system was a critical success factor in reducing the spread of the virus in the country through the immediate and timely monitoring of the affected cases as well as their close contacts. It helped the authorities maximize the efficiency of their tracking efforts and minimize the time needed for each case to get recorded, tracked, and monitored.
The aim of the project was the systematic monitoring of the COVID19 rapid tests conducted by the citizens, the members of the educational community, and the employees of companies with more than 20 employees. The platform helped significantly increase the number of rapid tests conducted in the country and included in the national strategy against the virus the monitoring of asymptomatic volunteers by randomly selecting 12,000 applicants/citizens daily to be tested for free.
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The aim of the project was the development of the online passenger locator form (digital PLF), which is a tool for recording and tracking the passengers traveling from one country to another during the COVID-19 pandemic. The use of this mechanism allows government agencies of EU countries to impose rules on who can enter each country based on personal data, where their journey began or the area in which they reside. At the same time, it allows the easier detection of COVID-19 cases and the limitation of the pandemic spread. With this system EU member states monitor the itinerary of each traveler and exchange information about active covid cases that have traveled from one country to another, in order to track infected people and stop the spread of Covid.
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