Cytech participated in the InnoDays 2022 exhibition

Cytech participated in the three-day innovation event Innodays 2022 – Days of Innovation – Region of Crete which was successfully completed on November 27, 2022.

Businesses, as well as innovation and entrepreneurship promotion agencies, participated in the event. Cytech, being a business with innovative applications and services, participated in the exhibition by presenting to the visitors of the event the projects it has implemented in the context of Digital transformation, as well as the service and the mCore product.

The lectures on digital transformation and the green transition were also excellent, and the presentation of the financing support mechanisms for innovative entrepreneurship was impressive.

We would like to thank the Science and Technology Park of Crete for the invitation and we hope the event to be established on an annual basis, so that every year the business and research ecosystem of Crete is presented and upgraded.

