Cytech implemented the European PLF application

One of the most important tools mankind decided to use in order to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic is the Passengers Locator Form. It’s an electronic system capable of storing passengers’ data and using it in order to help the authorities decide about urgent measures they need to take to contain the pandemic. For example, when passengers coming from a country with a high percentage of positive covid-19 cases, the authorities have their address and contact information so they give the right advice or to impose radical measures.

Some countries tried to cope with the problem above by implementing their own software systems with mixed results. At some point the European Commission understood that it was time to deal with the problem in a more centralized way, so they decided to build a central system to support all the European countries and make the information exchange much more efficient.

Cytech had already developed the Greek PLF, which was the first European PLF system launched, and it was selected to implement the European one based on its previous experience, as well as  its proven capability to build enterprise grade, production ready information systems fast and efficiently. The project’s duration was four months  and produced a system that can  cover the needs of any European country that wants to use it. Its ambition is to replace all the local PLF platforms and reduce the total cost of maintenance for the EU countries.
