Cytech Mobile has exhibited for yet another year, loyal to its appointment, at Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2022, hosted by GSMA. MWC Barcelona takes place every year between the last week of February and the first week of March and it is considered to be one of the largest, most anticipated and well established events for technology and innovation around the globe, hosting some of the world’s biggest pioneers.
The exhibition part of the event was major even for the first fully featured post covid-19 event. There were over 61K visitors attending MWC including more than 1900 exhibitors. Over 624 of them were startups exhibiting at 4YFN, the startup section of the event. Also, 46 country pavilion delegations from across the world participated in the event.
The Congress part of the event was as much substantial as it was extensive, hosting 161 delegations to the ministerial programmes from 124 countries and 37 international organizations. The themes highlighted were 5G Connect, advancing AI, Internet Of Everything, Cloudnet, Fintech and Tech Horizon.
Cytech Mobile exhibited as a member of the Greek Delegation in the Country’s Pavilion, focused on business scaling up and innovation in both technology and mobile devices’ fields.
We would like to thank SEKEE for organizing the delegation and accommodating the exhibitors and attendees.